More surgery ahead

We saw the surgeon at Children’s yesterday. He did Scarlett’s prior surgeries and thinks we should go back in and possily debulk more of the tumor since her breathing is again restricted. He also mentioned removing some of the tumor pressing against her tongue to help with breathing and possible speech.  Surgery is set for December 6th and she’ll spend a couple of days at Childrens recovering.  He said it was fine to continue with the Gleevec despite not seeing any shrinkage of the tumor; his words were “it can’t hurt”.   We’ll see what the doc at Indianopolis says. Meanwhile, Scarlett is having sugar withdrawals from Halloween yesterday. The Snickers costume was a hit.

much love,


Happy Halloween

2 thoughts on “More surgery ahead

  1. Come Dec 6th you’ll be in the biggest “Love Bubble” anyone can imagine, Miss Scarlett Scott. Thanks for posting this Shan. xo

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